GFDRR World Bank
OSM Guinée
OSM Togo
OSM Benin, Benin
OSM Togo, Togo
OSM Niger, Niger
LECLARA Larabanga (GH), Ghana
OSM Cote d Ivore, Cote d Ivoire
OpenStreetMap Bénin
OSM Niger
OSM Burkina Fasso
ILRI, Burkina Faso
OSM Togo, Togo
Landnet, Uganda
Wikimedia, Tchad
Intel, USA
Youthmapper, Ghana
GeoSynapse, Guinee
Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire
Les Libres Geographes, France
Youthmapper, Nigeria
Immergis Cameroun, Cameroun
GFDRR World Bank
LIEI-Larabanga, Germany
KMedia SAS, Italy
MapUganda, Uganda
UN SDSN, Nigeria
GFDRR World Bank
Stevdok, Ghana
SIGE, Morrocco
Youthmapper, Rwanda
American RedCross, USA
Data Transport, Mali
Brains and Hammer, Nigeria
Code For Nigeria
Association Quartier Général, Burkina Faso
GFDRR World Bank
Catholic University, Bukavu, DRC
Map Kibera Trust, USA
FUTA, Nigeria
OSM Togo
University of Nairobi, Kenya
HOT Uganda
Makarere University, Uganda
UCC YouthMappers, Ghana
University of Nairobi, Kenya
OSM Benin, Benin
AFRIGIST, Cameroon
HotOSM, Tanzania
AId for Trade, Tanzania
Youth Agrarian Society, Zimbabwewa
Expanding Horizon, Cameroon
Les Libres Geographes, France
Girl Rising Tanzania, Tanzania
OSM Malawi, Malawi
University of Turku, Tanzania
HOT, Tanzania
Spatial Collectives, Kenya
Map Kibera, Kenya
Hackers Against Natural Disasters (HAND)
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Youthmapper, Ivory Coast
OSM Zambia, Zambia
Mahatma Ghandi University, India
MapUganda, Uganda
GYSSL, Cameroon
OpenStreetMap Ghana
Zambia Land Aliance, Zambia
Afro-AI Consult, Germany
YouthmapperUCC, Ghana
Youthmapper of Uni Rwanda, Rwanda
Africa Bees, Malawi
OSM Mali, Mali
OSM Cameroon, Cameroon
OSM Ghana
Pivotal Labs
Geosynapse Guinée , Guinee
OSM Lesotho, Lesotho
IOM, Nigeria
Nomad Maps
Landnet, Uganda
Apple Inc. USA
organization, country
Ministry of Digital Economy (TBC)
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Compétences, innovation, et jeunesse pour construire une société résilience/ Skills, innovation, and youth toward a resilience society
Compétences, innovation, et jeunesse pour construire une société résilience/ Skills, innovation, and youth toward a resilience society
The session will be composed by local students, stakeholder from Sierra Leone and international expert, to present different activities around youth participation under the context of DRM and Resilient Transport.
Three presentations of 20 min with additional 5 min per question after each session with additional 15 min at the end for discussion.
Involving youth for DRM data collection during project preparation
Prof. Oba Davies/Ing. Savage. Fourah Bay College – will present the work on data collection for resilient transport. (15min)
Students from FBC – team of students that participation in the data collection – will present on the finding and lessons learnt from the collection. (5min)
Using Data and Innovation for better GeoHazard Management
Prof. Oba Davies/Ms. Akiko Toya – will present the results of the study on capacity building and institution strengthen in Sierra Leone on Geohazard
Management. (20min)
Hackathon: Using DRM Transport Data for Innovation and Creation of Tech
Mr. Sullay Katta – Directorate of Innovation – will present on how to deliver a Hackathon for Resilient Transport Innovation (15min)
Hackathon team – the winning team of the hackathon will pitch their winning idea. (5 min)
OLD: To integrate analytical work using the data from University of California and/or Paolo and/or Emmanuel
Karim Sy Jokko Labs Founder and Digital Africa President, Pivotal Labs
Compétences, innovation, et jeunesse pour construire une société résilience/ Skills, innovation, and youth toward a resilience society
In 2018, Open Cities Africa was launched and implemented in 12 cities in Sub-Saharan Africa to engage local government, civil society, and the private sector to develop the geospatial information necessary to meet urban resilience, and disaster risk management challenges. In this session, the OpenDRI team from the World Bank, coordinators of the project, will present an overview of the Open Cities methodology, and speak to the importance of open data to support decision making in vulnerable countries. Representatives from each of our 12 cities will present a short ignite talk showcasing their Open Cities journey. Talks will cover the following thematic areas; government stakeholder engagement, educational engagement, community engagement, data for decision making, and the future of the initiative (or, how the project has evolved since inception). Ignite talks will be followed by a short poster session, where conference attendees will have time to engage with city implementation teams to find out more about each individual project.
In 2018, Open Cities Africa was launched and implemented in 12 cities in Sub-Saharan Africa to engage local government, civil society, and the private sector to develop the geospatial information necessary to meet urban resilience, and disaster risk management challenges. In this session, the OpenDRI team from the World Bank, coordinators of the project, will present an overview of the Open Cities methodology, and speak to the importance of open data to support decision making in vulnerable countries. Representatives from each of our 12 cities will present a short ignite talk showcasing their Open Cities journey. Talks will cover the following thematic areas; government stakeholder engagement, educational engagement, community engagement, data for decision making, and the future of the initiative (or, how the project has evolved since inception). Ignite talks will be followed by a short poster session, where conference attendees will have time to engage with city implementation teams to find out more about each individual project.
Nuala Cowan
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
Ifeatu Enedah
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
Nombré Apollinaire
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
Ingrid Martha Kintu
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
Nako Kofele Martin Alain
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
Eyongetta Njieassam
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
Benard Kulohoma
amenity=drinking_water, amenity=water_point, watsan:water_private=yes, drinking_water:legal=yes, man_made…
Water related tags are numerous in OpenStreetMap and, while water supply remains a key challenge in many places across Africa, we found relevant to organize a discussion about those tags: to clarify some of them, clear misuses or contradictions, and improve documentation adding the African context or nuances that is still missing in most wikipages on the subject.
The result of this discussion is planned to eventually end on the tagging list to define a clearer and more usable standard data model and documentation, to facilitate data usage and therefore future data updates.
Claire Halleux
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development. The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community.
OSGeo vision: Empower everyone with open source geospatial OSGeo was founded in 2006 and is well established as a global organization with Local Chapters all over the world. OSGeo represents and supports more than 25 software projects ( like QGIS, PostGIS or GDAL. OSGeo organizes many events global and regional all over the world ( On every event OpenStreetMap is a topic in some of the talks or workshops. The initiative GeoForAll ( is an OSGeo Committee and has an Educational outreach and has the mission for making geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all. There is also the OSGeoLive project that covers more than 50 software projects, Open Data and also documentation and tutorials. OSGeoLive is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. OpenStreetMap data and software are also included on OSGeoLive. OpenStreetMap data is involved in many OSGeo projects f.e. as sample data, sample service. There is also functionality available to handle OSM data f.e the variety of OSM specific plugins for QGIS or support for OSM in GDAL ( or routing on OSM data with pgRouting. Learn about OSGeo and how OSGeo and OSM are connected and join the OSGeo community.
This talk takes an in depth insight into bad and good practices in OpenStreetMap; focusing on both the community and the data.
Lightning talks: Diversity and inclusion
Implication des femmes et jeunes filles a la production des données ouvertes à Boke (BARRY Mamadou Bella, GeoSynapse, Guinee)
C’ est de parler du rôle des Girlsmap dans la production des données ouverte à Boké cela s’intègre dans le renforcement des capacités des femmes et jeunes filles dans l’usage des technologies de l’information pour le développement en Guiné présentation s’aligne dans le genre. Le lien entre le thème de la conférence et ma présentation est que grâce à ces séance que j’organise des vies ont été transformés d’où aujourd’hui ces femmes et jeunes filles ont pris confiances en elles car elles sont d’avantages motivées et impliquées dans la production des données ouverts pour la gestion de la ville qui contribue au bien d’être de la population.
L’initiative Girlsmap au Togo et en Afrique (AKOUETE Ata Franck, OSM Togo, Togo)
Girlsmap est une initiative lancée en 2018 par OSM Togo en vue d’accroître via des activités de sensibilisation et de formation la proportion de femmes dans les différentes communautés OSM. Cette présentation est un extrait de cette initiative au Togo et dans d’autres pays d’Afrique. Le nombre de contributeurs OSM augmente chaque année dans le monde. Cependant, l’univers OSM regorge moins de contributrices que de contributeurs dans les différentes communautés pays surtout celles d’Afrique. C’est pourquoi, OSM Togo, soucieux de réduire la fracture numérique liée au genre dans le monde OSM et d’accroitre le nombre de femmes dans sa communauté a initié en 2018, la première initiative de formation en cartographie numérique OSM qui s’adresse uniquement aux filles. Loin de s’arrêter au Togo, cette initiative est devenue un modèle et a été répliquée par plusieurs pays de la sous-région comme le Benin, la côte d’ivoire, Guinée et se fut annoncée dans d’autres pays comme le Mali ainsi que le Burundi. Cette présentation cadre bien avec le thème de cette conférence car elle permet d’impacter la vie numérique des filles via la cartographie numérique openstreetmap.
#LetGirlsMap: Adding perspective to YouthMapping (Confidence Kpodo, UCC YouthMappers, Ghana)
Let Girls Map is a campaign to amplify the voices of female student mappers. It is a way to encourage more diverse contributions into OSM.
BARRY Mamadou Bella
Lightning talks: Diversity and inclusion
Implication des femmes et jeunes filles a la production des données ouvertes à Boke (BARRY Mamadou Bella, GeoSynapse, Guinee)
C’ est de parler du rôle des Girlsmap dans la production des données ouverte à Boké cela s’intègre dans le renforcement des capacités des femmes et jeunes filles dans l’usage des technologies de l’information pour le développement en Guiné présentation s’aligne dans le genre. Le lien entre le thème de la conférence et ma présentation est que grâce à ces séance que j’organise des vies ont été transformés d’où aujourd’hui ces femmes et jeunes filles ont pris confiances en elles car elles sont d’avantages motivées et impliquées dans la production des données ouverts pour la gestion de la ville qui contribue au bien d’être de la population.
L’initiative Girlsmap au Togo et en Afrique (AKOUETE Ata Franck, OSM Togo, Togo)
Girlsmap est une initiative lancée en 2018 par OSM Togo en vue d’accroître via des activités de sensibilisation et de formation la proportion de femmes dans les différentes communautés OSM. Cette présentation est un extrait de cette initiative au Togo et dans d’autres pays d’Afrique. Le nombre de contributeurs OSM augmente chaque année dans le monde. Cependant, l’univers OSM regorge moins de contributrices que de contributeurs dans les différentes communautés pays surtout celles d’Afrique. C’est pourquoi, OSM Togo, soucieux de réduire la fracture numérique liée au genre dans le monde OSM et d’accroitre le nombre de femmes dans sa communauté a initié en 2018, la première initiative de formation en cartographie numérique OSM qui s’adresse uniquement aux filles. Loin de s’arrêter au Togo, cette initiative est devenue un modèle et a été répliquée par plusieurs pays de la sous-région comme le Benin, la côte d’ivoire, Guinée et se fut annoncée dans d’autres pays comme le Mali ainsi que le Burundi. Cette présentation cadre bien avec le thème de cette conférence car elle permet d’impacter la vie numérique des filles via la cartographie numérique openstreetmap.
#LetGirlsMap: Adding perspective to YouthMapping (Confidence Kpodo, UCC YouthMappers, Ghana)
Let Girls Map is a campaign to amplify the voices of female student mappers. It is a way to encourage more diverse contributions into OSM.
Confidence Kpodo
Lightning talks: Diversity and inclusion
Implication des femmes et jeunes filles a la production des données ouvertes à Boke (BARRY Mamadou Bella, GeoSynapse, Guinee)
C’ est de parler du rôle des Girlsmap dans la production des données ouverte à Boké cela s’intègre dans le renforcement des capacités des femmes et jeunes filles dans l’usage des technologies de l’information pour le développement en Guiné présentation s’aligne dans le genre. Le lien entre le thème de la conférence et ma présentation est que grâce à ces séance que j’organise des vies ont été transformés d’où aujourd’hui ces femmes et jeunes filles ont pris confiances en elles car elles sont d’avantages motivées et impliquées dans la production des données ouverts pour la gestion de la ville qui contribue au bien d’être de la population.
L’initiative Girlsmap au Togo et en Afrique (AKOUETE Ata Franck, OSM Togo, Togo)
Girlsmap est une initiative lancée en 2018 par OSM Togo en vue d’accroître via des activités de sensibilisation et de formation la proportion de femmes dans les différentes communautés OSM. Cette présentation est un extrait de cette initiative au Togo et dans d’autres pays d’Afrique. Le nombre de contributeurs OSM augmente chaque année dans le monde. Cependant, l’univers OSM regorge moins de contributrices que de contributeurs dans les différentes communautés pays surtout celles d’Afrique. C’est pourquoi, OSM Togo, soucieux de réduire la fracture numérique liée au genre dans le monde OSM et d’accroitre le nombre de femmes dans sa communauté a initié en 2018, la première initiative de formation en cartographie numérique OSM qui s’adresse uniquement aux filles. Loin de s’arrêter au Togo, cette initiative est devenue un modèle et a été répliquée par plusieurs pays de la sous-région comme le Benin, la côte d’ivoire, Guinée et se fut annoncée dans d’autres pays comme le Mali ainsi que le Burundi. Cette présentation cadre bien avec le thème de cette conférence car elle permet d’impacter la vie numérique des filles via la cartographie numérique openstreetmap.
#LetGirlsMap: Adding perspective to YouthMapping (Confidence Kpodo, UCC YouthMappers, Ghana)
Let Girls Map is a campaign to amplify the voices of female student mappers. It is a way to encourage more diverse contributions into OSM.
Cet atelier vise à former les participants sur les techniques de collecte de données avec un fieldpapers, leur numérisation sur JOSM et leur récupération sur la plateforme overpass-turbo. Les données géographiques sont d’une importance capitale surtout lorsqu’il s’agit de répondre à une crise humanitaire. Ainsi, la base de toute analyse spatiale d’un phénomène ou d’une épidémie est la disponibilité d’une information géographique précise et de qualité. Cependant le plus grand souci des agents de collecte, c’est la disponibilité de l’outil de collecte approprié. Les GPS et les smartphones de qualité peuvent être utiles mais sont chers et deviennent inefficaces lorsque la zone de collecte est vaste et surtout dans nos pays en voie de développement où la plupart des zones rurales n’ont pas accès à l’électricité. Les fieldpapers constituent de nos jours une alternative de choix pour répondre aux problèmes énergétiques et de cherté des outils de collecte que connaissent les agents de collecte. A travers cet atelier, les participants seront ouillés et pourront mieux répondre aux collectes de données et impacter ainsi les vies des populations en situation d’urgence.
Localizing the Global Goals through Citizen Led City Mapping (Michael Diala, UN SDSN, Nigeria)
For Cities to achieve the global agenda in 2030, there has to be a mapping system that enables the accessing different parts of the city,the people living in local areas such as slums must be aware and contribute to mapping of their locality to fast track development and the SDGs
Use of OpenSteetMap for Sustainable Development Actions In Bamako (SIDIBE Astou Nathalie, OSM Mali, Mali)
This session will present the use of OSM data by local authorities in the District of Bamako, The Capital City in Mali, for decision-making to address problems people are facing in accessing health care sites, education and administrative process in this big city which is also populated over an area of
It will also be a question of presenting the collaborative work bringing together, OSM community, local authorities represented by the Regional Development Agency and citizens to achieve a common objective, from training, to data collection, editions and data reuse.
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
In September 2018, in partnership with a local NGO , called AMSCID, i lead a water points mapping project in Torodo, a small village in Dianguirde Rural Municipality, Kayes Region which faces a serious problems of acces to water du to the quality of the land and the geographic position of the area.
Michael Batame
Sally Musungu
Localizing the Global Goals through Citizen Led City Mapping (Michael Diala, UN SDSN, Nigeria)
For Cities to achieve the global agenda in 2030, there has to be a mapping system that enables the accessing different parts of the city,the people living in local areas such as slums must be aware and contribute to mapping of their locality to fast track development and the SDGs
Use of OpenSteetMap for Sustainable Development Actions In Bamako (SIDIBE Astou Nathalie, OSM Mali, Mali)
This session will present the use of OSM data by local authorities in the District of Bamako, The Capital City in Mali, for decision-making to address problems people are facing in accessing health care sites, education and administrative process in this big city which is also populated over an area of
It will also be a question of presenting the collaborative work bringing together, OSM community, local authorities represented by the Regional Development Agency and citizens to achieve a common objective, from training, to data collection, editions and data reuse.
Michael Diala
Steven Mather
Caroline Gevaert
Cabo Verde, Ibadan, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Seychelles (Justin Prosper)
Explore how countries and cities are managing geographic information for Disaster Risk Management. Speakers will tell us about the challenges of sharing and keeping datasets up to date in fast growing cities. What are the solutions that are implemented ? What is the role of Open data like openstreetmap in Risk identification. Are the traditional SDI fit for purpose ?
Assessment of the open GIS impacts on the sustainable use of public transport for saving time and improving lives (Ernest Ruzindana, Youthmapper of Uni Rwanda, Rwanda)
GIS is a step towards improving the transport system by supporting public transport in many parts of the world. The purpose of the session is to highlight the impacts of open GIS on the sustainable use of public transport to save time and improve lives.
OSM and Addressing (Willy Franck SOB, OSM Cameroon, Cameroon)
Retour d’expérience sur la collaboration OSM et les acteurs institutionnels Cameroun France Côte d’Ivoire
Presenter Name
David Williams
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
Alex Duclaux
Caroline Gevaert
Core datasets and maps are vital to helping Red Cross staff and volunteers situate their teams and respond within communities during epidemics. Information about features like road networks, health infrastructure, climate patterns, disease incidence, population density, and health behaviors can be valuable inputs for response teams to analyze in order to better understand the environment in which an outbreak has taken place.
As one component of the Community-Based Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention Project (CP3), a program funded by USAID, the Red Cross works with country-level stakeholders to identify high-priority datasets that are essential in a disaster situation or health emergency, and also useful for immediate purposes. In countries participating in this program, the National Societies work to locate, validate, and openly release this information with the permission of its owners, allowing maps to be made that will give responders information that will lead to effective decision-making. In addition, staff and volunteers work to improve data literacy and awareness surrounding this information. These efforts help to improve what we call “Data Readiness”: the ability of an organization to utilize data during a response for situational awareness, planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting.
In this presentation, we will walk you through our work and what “Data Readiness” activities look like when Red Cross staff and volunteers work alongside their communities. Using open source data, maps, and tools, we want National Societies across the world to be equipped to use quality and timely information to influence operations and planning in all emergencies including community epidemic outbreaks, all with the goal of being able to respond effectively to disasters.
Jennifer Duong
Bethel Ugochukwu Ukazu
Assessment of the open GIS impacts on the sustainable use of public transport for saving time and improving lives (Ernest Ruzindana, Youthmapper of Uni Rwanda, Rwanda)
GIS is a step towards improving the transport system by supporting public transport in many parts of the world. The purpose of the session is to highlight the impacts of open GIS on the sustainable use of public transport to save time and improve lives.
OSM and Addressing (Willy Franck SOB, OSM Cameroon, Cameroon)
Retour d’expérience sur la collaboration OSM et les acteurs institutionnels Cameroun France Côte d’Ivoire
Many of today’s digital businesses have location technology at the heart of their service offerings. GéoCameroon a Spatial Data Infrastructure based on OSM and easily transposable to other African countries, it brings together on a single platform all geographic georeferenced data of the country. For two decades in developed countries, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used by the government for their decision making. To carry out such policies, planning and management in Africa, the GIS tool can be of great help. This is especially true in an environment where collaborative models open new perspectives for the efficient production of geographic data. It is thus understood that the existence of a Spatial Data Infrastructure is essential to the implementation of location-based services.
Leaflet and other open source geospatial technology to develop a Way-Finder Geoinformation system that will assist students and visitors to identify their desired location within the campus. The study designed a dynamic web-based mapping application geospatial way-finder. The lives of students can be transformed in the sense that they don’t need to ask questions on their way to certain places around their campus environment, maybe they are in search of a certain place with the help of the way-finder system. they can do that instead of getting stranded or go about following some unclear direction given to them by other people.
Ikeogu Emmanuel Chidera
Jaisen Nedmpala
Tapuwa Nzara
Farirai Mageza
Henry Sseruwagi
The effects of climate change on water resources has led to increased water-stress in rural societies in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), with negative effects on humans, livestock and crop production. With low resource availability and long distances to permanent water sources, these societies are reliant on seasonal shallow ponds to satisfy both household and livestock water needs. Seasonal availability coupled with high siltation rates further increases the uncertainty in water availability in SSA. Earth observation (EO) coupled with technological advancement in feature detection through artificial intelligence (machine learning) provides the best way to map and monitor changes in water resources. However, cloud contamination and atmospheric interference limits the use of optical EO in water resources monitoring due to inconsistency in data availability, especially in the tropics. Active microwave sensing data especially synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with its all-day-and-night data acquisition solves the problem of data availability for continuous water resources monitoring. Using SAR data with deep learning, we detect and map the location and availability of shallow water ponds to local communities and monitor their status. This information in combination with weather data can be used e.g. for the preparation of food-security projects by international NGOs, prevention of human-wildlife conflicts caused by limited water resources or the creation of an early warning systems for water stress in local societies. Using similar algorithms, object detection and mapping using imagery and deep learning is done by AfroAI UG, hence giving insight to location-based object.
Linda Ochwada
Docker-OSM is a docker-compose project to fetch OSM Data every 2 minutes and upload in a PostGIS DB. During this presentation, I will show how to build the OSM data for Madagascar into PostGis and how to analysis those data with QGIS and SQL query.
Panelist 1 (Erica Hagen, Map Kibera Trust, USA)
In this interactive session, I will report on my research on sustainability of impact for OSM projects and organizations, conducted for Open Cities Africa with GFDRR at the World Bank. We will discuss challenges and tactics for sustaining mapping work and impact over time. Sustaining OSM mapping work and impacts of mapping projects can be a challenge. In order to truly transform lives, we need up to date data and sustained mapping. Many humanitarian and development oriented OSM mapping projects in Africa and elsewhere come and go dependent on short term goals, without a good plan for longer term impact of the map. Volunteers contribute but organized and comprehensive mapping of sectors like health, water, sanitation, education, and humanitarian sectors requires longer term sustainability. Achieving a stronger long-term impact will transform far more lives. This session will help participants think about challenges and tactics for sustaining the most important impacts of the great work they have been doing or want to do.
Panelist 2 (Presenter name, organization, country)
“Map Kibera began 10 years ago, when young people from the Kibera slum of Nairobi put their community on OpenStreetMap. This session will discuss Map Kibera’s work over the past decade: where we started, obstacles and challenges along the way, accomplishments, and our vision for the future. For ten years, Map Kibera has worked with slumdwellers and other citizens to map their communities, and use open information for action and policy change. We always empower citizens to map their own communities, using OSM, discuss what they find, and engage policy makers and media to create local change. We have worked with themes like education, health and water to create maps that bring better services to slums like Kibera. Transforming lives by supporting community-driven mapping and use of open data has been our primary mission. Individual mappers trained in 2009 now lead the organization and train others throughout Kenya and beyond.”
Erica Hagen
Panelist 1 (Erica Hagen, Map Kibera Trust, USA)
In this interactive session, I will report on my research on sustainability of impact for OSM projects and organizations, conducted for Open Cities Africa with GFDRR at the World Bank. We will discuss challenges and tactics for sustaining mapping work and impact over time. Sustaining OSM mapping work and impacts of mapping projects can be a challenge. In order to truly transform lives, we need up to date data and sustained mapping. Many humanitarian and development oriented OSM mapping projects in Africa and elsewhere come and go dependent on short term goals, without a good plan for longer term impact of the map. Volunteers contribute but organized and comprehensive mapping of sectors like health, water, sanitation, education, and humanitarian sectors requires longer term sustainability. Achieving a stronger long-term impact will transform far more lives. This session will help participants think about challenges and tactics for sustaining the most important impacts of the great work they have been doing or want to do.
Panelist 2 (Presenter name, organization, country)
Presenter name
Simbeko Guy
Felana Angella IHANTAMALALA H.
The OSMF has been facing attempts of entryism and actions aiming at changing drastically its governance coming from groups of influence and corporations. This talk will look back at these dynamics as well as views to strengthen a diverse, flat and open OSMF acting as an enabler for OSM in Africa “The OSMF is subject of obvious attempts of entryism from some organizations, both within the OSMF board and its membership, trying collectively to modify drastically the governance of the OSM project, as the lobbying for the introduction of a code of conduct regulating all the exchanges between members of the OSM project on all medias (discussion lists, forums, tools, etc.) or the increasing place dedicated of corporate members. This talk will aim at coming back to these topics, demonstrating their dangers for the governance of both the OSMF and the OSM project, as well as the uselessness and the ineffectiveness of these drastic changes yet presented as necessary by their proponents, and promoting the continuity of the flat, open and agile model that made the OSM project such a success. It’s important that these topics are discussed live in Africa by and with African mappers so that OSM keep going its way ““Transforming Lives through Mapping””!”
This talk will present the rise of active, self-standing grassroots communities in Haiti, Western and Central Africa since 2010 resulting from a unique set of continued support actions replicable in other territories “This talk will produce a narrative about how since 2010, OpenStreetMap communities emerged in Haiti and expanded to Africa after 2012 partly as the result of a combined set of many support actions spanning technical and organizational OSM training, voluntary and professional OSM mapping projects, OSM local and international volunteering programs, documentation as well as preparedness and crisis mapping work. Tied to the overall support of the global OSM community and the commitment of Haitian and African mappers, these actions allowed the OSM project to come forth in the form of a network of organized and self-standing communities in Haiti, Western and Central Africa cognizant of and active with OpenStreetMap, open data and free geomatics. As one can read, the 2019 SotM Africa’s theme is clearly at the heart of the experience related in this talk.”
This session describes the IT infrastructure underlying the community-run tourism initiative in Larabanga, in particular the FOSS tools for producing the web map and managing dataflows. The hallmark of this effort is absolutely minimizing the need for (1) writing – and thus maintaining – program code and (2) fully automating all data handling procedures by using advanced ETL tools. This session will show how the information infrastructure for the town map – the website centerpiece – and other tourist information has been constructed. i.e. the software tools and dataflows implemented using QGIS/QGIS Server, Liz map, PostgreSQL/PostGIS and Pentaho DI (Community Edition) on Ubuntu. By reducing operational complexity, the aim is to simplify knowledge transfer to local participants and create sufficient expertise to stimulate ideas for re-use of the technology in future town projects. The dynamics of the community-run tourism project itself, carried out by the LECLARA collective in Larabanga, are described in an accompanying session (by Abusco Seidu) at this SOTM-Africa.
Robert C. Danziger
Africa faces a lot of challenges like cholera, this is mainly due to the poor wash practices that are in most communities in Africa. Communities and stakeholders need to start using OSM as a tool to collect and monitor WASH. in this presentation, we look . at the ways in which OSM. OSM can be used to monitor real time WASH problems and interventions in the communities since it a collaborative way of collecting open map data. using OSM as a tool will improve the openness on WASH data sets which can used by the community, researchers and stakeholders to come up with innovative solutions that will transform lives of the communities. If we are to transform the lives of communIties, OSM SHOULD BE USED AS PRIORITY IN WASH.
Notre communauté opere dans la cartographie et standardisation des données de transport. A cet effet nous presenterons notre outils de standardisation GTFS collaboratif que nous avons developpé qui pourra servir à la communauté OSM toute entiere .Le nom de l’outil est WatriFeed Le lien avec le thème du SOTM, est que pour transformer des vies ou l’améliorer cela passe par améliorer les systèmes de mobilité et de transport. Les données sont d’une importance capitale pour atteindre ce but, d’où la nécessité de la cartographie et des communauté qui y travail. Notre atelier s’inscrit dans la transformation digitale du transport et de la mobilité.
Zacharia Muindi
George Madoda
In 2016, the collective LECLARA in rural Larabanga, Ghana decided to develop community-run tourism to generate funding for youth education. As a prerequisite, LECLARA has recently completed OSM mapping of the town. Activists are now using JOSM and MDC techniques. Hear how they are doing it all. Larabanga and its surrounding areas have a number of very significant tourist attractions.Until now, the town has benefited little from these. With advisory support, an action plan was developed which began with mapping the town on OSM. Around this, a website and tourism materials will be produced. Activities (traditional storytelling and dance, local tours, etc.) will be organized by the community – in particular, village youth – while merchants can hope for increased revenue and local accommodations be made more attractive. Despite the challenges (mobile Internet only, limited IT resources, lack of capital, etc.), with external support, Field Papers exchanges and hard work, an OSM map was ready by mid-2018. In August, OSM, JOSM and mobile data collection training began. By demonstrating success, LECLARA is increasingly able to mobilize support throughout the town and provide future perspectives for its residents.
Abubarkari Abusco Seidu
Kpogbe Luc
CarteInnov is a project to map digital stakeholders in the French-speaking world, whose data is hosted in OSM and edited with MapContrib. Active members of local OSM communities ensure both field mapping and project promotion “Launched in 2016 in 7 seven French-speaking by Organisation internationale de la Francophonie in West African countries, the CarteInnov project involves now 16 countries also from Central Africa (Gabon, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo and Chad) and the Caribbean (Haiti).
CarteInnov is distinguished by:
This talk will share lessons about the multi-years collective dynamics around OpenStreetMap which unfold in French-speaking southern countries of Africa and the Caribbean with the view of identifying paths for local OSM grassroots groups evolution towards formal OSMF local chapters. It has been some years that OSM and OMSF members have been discussing the topic of OSMF local chapters over emails, wiki, physically through BoF sessions at SotM events. This talk will share lessons that OSM and OSMF members can learn about the multi-years collective dynamics around OpenStreetMap which unfold in French-speaking southern countries of Africa and the Caribbean, where outreach, communication, mapping and training have been organized collectively from the start local OSM actions. These actions lead to first informal collective of mappers which organized internally over the years and for some incorporated as local associations mandated to the promotion and support of the OSM project playing the role of a de facto OSM Chapter. The talk will look at both these various collective practices and the OSMF requirements for local chapters in the light of this multi-years OSM associative experience with the view to identify itineraries to the building of OSMF local chapters.
Who benefits from the mapathons: between (over)communication and (over)attribution, critical feedback on the inflation of a form of action oversold in the field of humanitarian action and development aid. Really for the benefit of OSM? It would be possible to multiply the subtitles for this workshop, like “Mapathon, mapathon, mapathon!” which questions the almost mandatory use taken by this form of collective OSM contribution for humanitarian and development aid stakeholders in the southern territories. “Mapathons in the “south” for what?”, “A mapathon doesn’t make a summer”, or “Who benefits from mapathons?”… This presentation will aim to open a discussion about the inflation of one specific OSM contribution, to identify the diversity of its practices, the logics of communication, attribution, the quality issues of the data produced, and list the conditions for a mapathon to actually benefit the OSM project in the southern countries.
Sougrinoma Kisito GAMENE
Esaie Dufitimana
The power of drones and the demand for more detailed mapping in Africa has boomed in many sectors such as development, construction, flood prevention, humanitarian response and environmental safe guarding. At Africa Bees we empower local pilots to use drones for the collection of geospatial data. By recruiting and enabling pilots in Africa to use or own their own drones for the purpose of mapping we believe that the work can be carried our in-country at considerably lower costs yet retain the high levels of accuracy to produce engineering acceptable 3D topographic mapping. In addition the access to an open source geonode portal enables a community to share the geospatial data freely.
Dans le cadre d’un stage de recherche à NITIDÆ et conformément aux objectifs REDD+, une étude est effectuée sur des parcelles agroforestières à base de cacao biologique dont on estime le taux de couverture arboré par drone ce qui déclenche un prime agroforestière versée aux planteurs.
In this workshop, Intel will highlight several deep learning and geo-spatial imagery problems that humanitarian aid organizations face on a daily basis as they seek to intervene and assist in disaster areas across the globe. Participants will be exposed to the challenges of applying deep learning to satellite imagery, and participate in hands-on workshop to train and evaluate a convolutional network on data collected from Northern Uganda, as part of a collaboration with the Red Cross.
Alexei A. Bastidas
MAP & JERRY est un projet dont l’une des composantes est consacrée à la cartographie participative de Ladji par ses habitants, avec le soutien de l’IRD et du collectif OpenStreetMap Bénin. Ladji, comme plusieurs quartiers de la ville de cotonou est un quartier précaire dont l’existence de la population ne figure même pas sur la carte. Ce projet à permis non seulement de ressortir leur existence mais egalement de contribuer à l’épenouissement de la vie des jeunes habitants.
Il s’agira de présenter l’état de la carte du Bénin depuis l’année 2013 à ce jour grâce à l’effort de cartographie de la communauté osm Bénin à travers ses différentes activités ainsi que les projets auxquels elle apporté son appui OSM Benin appui plusieurs projets de cartographie qui s’inscrivent dans l’aide à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations notamment dans le domaine de la santé, la prévention des risques et catastrophes ainsi que l’aide aux collectivités territoriales.. C’est ainsi que des quartiers dont les populations sont souvent marginalisée ou pas prises dans les plans de développement communaux.
Saliou ABDOU
Le projet a pour but de soulever, le problème auquel tout étranger est confronté une fois qu’il arrive dans un autre localité. Le projet permettra de connaître les moyens de transport qui existe dans une localité, les différentes gares, le coût des trajets et l’état de la route
Kolemagah Hermann KASSALOUWA
This session is a presentation of the OSM Niger community’s contribution efforts in these activities of awareness raising, animation, capacity building, advocacy and project implementation contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Mahamane Abdoulkader Moustapha
We plan to talk about Apple’s work mapping on OpenStreetMap throughout Africa, including how we’ve worked with the local community, what we’ve mapped, where we’ve mapped, what our procedures are and what tools and techniques we use, such as Atlas, MapRoulette and more. “With a more complete and accurate road network, more local organizations, local businesses, governments and humanitarian organizations can use OSM and use it more effectively. Better road coverage ensures that remote areas are on the map, and that dense urban areas are properly reflected in maps. We use a variety of tools and plan to share how they work and how anyone can use them. More widespread tools and programs for finding and fixing map data issues also will let anyone else contribute and improve the map too for whatever their interest or purpose may be. We have also helped improve water features and coastlines in many areas, which can be important for flood and disaster preparedness, agriculture, transport and more.
Andrew Wiseman
Linda Monje Kadenge
Judith Atukunda
Tino Raphaël Nabib TOUPANE
Abdallah Azibert
Here is the Nomad Maps documentary: 5 months, 5200 kilometers across the Andes in South America, all by bike, to meet the actors and projects of the OSM mapping communities of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. An alternative way to see the uses of the OSM and the projects of these countries! The screening of this documentary film at SOTM Africa is a way to create a link. An additional link between the OSM communities of Africa, South America where the film was shot, and Europe with its director and cyclist Alban Vivert. The film is made up of seven interviews with Latin American contributors who have decided to dedicate part of their time to the OpenStreetMap project. The objective of these interviews is to find out where their motivation to map on OSM comes from, why they do so and to what degree this has changed their lives or the lives of others who benefit from this map.
Alban Vivert
As our government is struggling to achieve the SDGs, Humanitarian OpenSteetMap Team(Tanzania) is also contributing to achieve through mapping. We are helping to make cities safe and resilient but also to reduce poverty, ensure healthy live and giving people access to electricity through mapping.
Dorica Amos Mugusi
Use of Remote Sensing in Agriculture (MAKUATE Marie Brigitte, AFRIGIST, Cameroon)
In this work, we will use OpenStreetMap (OSM) Base Map and OSM data obtained by OSM website download area and GIS tools to make inventories on areas of rice cultivation in the community of Yagoua in Cameroon and subsequently identify favourable areas for rice growing from multi-criteria analyses. L’utilisation des données de télédétection en agriculture est une bonne technique qui peut transformer des vies. En effet, le 2eme objectif du développement durable vise à: Éliminer la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nutrition et promouvoir l’agriculture durable. Ceci explique le lien entre la ma thématique et le thème de la conférence.
Farmsense (Dennis Irorere, FUTA, Nigeria)
There is a growing recognition of the importance of data in achieving sustainable development. Without accurate and reliable data from a variety of sources, analysing the needs of a State and assessing the best measures to ensure sustainable development will be extremely challenging. Population growth, high unemployment rates and diminishing land availability necessitate increasingly sophisticated mechanisms for analysing demographic conditions. In this context, the coalition of geospatial data to aid in social and economic planning for development and to help inform decision making that will increase opportunities for creating jobs and attracting investment is essential.
The FarmSense portal is an open source, public data repository for agricultural related geospatial reference datasets. Which was established to help meet the need of data for improved decision making.
Use of Remote Sensing in Agriculture (MAKUATE Marie Brigitte, AFRIGIST, Cameroon)
In this work, we will use OpenStreetMap (OSM) Base Map and OSM data obtained by OSM website download area and GIS tools to make inventories on areas of rice cultivation in the community of Yagoua in Cameroon and subsequently identify favourable areas for rice growing from multi-criteria analyses. L’utilisation des données de télédétection en agriculture est une bonne technique qui peut transformer des vies. En effet, le 2eme objectif du développement durable vise à: Éliminer la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nutrition et promouvoir l’agriculture durable. Ceci explique le lien entre la ma thématique et le thème de la conférence.
Farmsense (Dennis Irorere, FUTA, Nigeria)
There is a growing recognition of the importance of data in achieving sustainable development. Without accurate and reliable data from a variety of sources, analysing the needs of a State and assessing the best measures to ensure sustainable development will be extremely challenging. Population growth, high unemployment rates and diminishing land availability necessitate increasingly sophisticated mechanisms for analysing demographic conditions. In this context, the coalition of geospatial data to aid in social and economic planning for development and to help inform decision making that will increase opportunities for creating jobs and attracting investment is essential.
The FarmSense portal is an open source, public data repository for agricultural related geospatial reference datasets. Which was established to help meet the need of data for improved decision making.
Dennis Irorere
Johanes Petro Machela
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
With the challenge of lack of resource to create spatial plans using licenced softwares in Lesotho, physical planning department with the assistance of Action Ireland and Fingal County Council opted to using OSM. The whole country was mapped to provide the baseline map and data.
The lack of detailed and up-to-date geographic data limits urban planning, informed decisions, and hinders the resilience of populations facing natural disasters.Thanks to mapping, entire communities can now have a better quality of life while facing the effects of climate change. Through my presentation i will also showcase how engaging the local communities in the participatory mapping sessions has impacted their long-term vision of the city and has brought a deeper sense of belonging to the habitants. How data collection has improved decision making and how the participatory mapping was used to update and complete the geographical data related to disaster risk management in priority areas. In addition, i will present the open source web GIS platform that was developed to facilitate data sharing and improve their use.
Julien Cour
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Fatiman Alher
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Rita Soma Alher
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
In this workshop, we overview computer methods for the satellite image analysis and introduce RapiD, an AI-assisted extension of iD editor.
Danil Kirsanov Engineering Manager, Facebook
Danil Kirsanov holds PhD in Applied Math from Harvard and prior to Facebook worked on scalable computing at Microsoft and MathWorks. His primary interests are in computer assisted mapping, signal/image processing, numerical modeling and distributed machine learning applications.
Compétences, innovation, et jeunesse pour construire une société résilience/ Skills, innovation, and youth toward a resilience society
Gael Musquet
Gael Musquet is the President of Hackers Against Natural Disasters (HAND), an organization that harnesses the talents of local community members to autonomously develop and improve low-cost open-source crisis technologies for use in high risk zones. Prior to launching HAND, Mr. Musquet led the French OSM community. A meteorologist by training, Mr. Musquet was inspired to work in disaster risk management following his experience with hurricane Hugo and a subsequent earthquake in his nature Guadeloupe. For his contributions in helping populations better prepare for natural disaster, he was named an Ashoka Fellow in 2017 and received France’s prestigious medal of honor, the Ordre du Mérite in 2018.
Steve Coast OpenStreetMap Founder
Federico Debetto
The session will introduce us to the new technological land developments and steer discussion about inclusion of various stakeholders. Land is central to development and technology can be a pillar in reviving the land information management systems.
Secure land tenure is the certainty that one’s right to land is honored and protected. Land is central resource to development and if improperly managed, can hinder good governance and increase the vulnerability of persons to disaster and environmental degradation. Without secure tenure, economies cannot progress and the goal of sustainable development cannot be realized. ‘Fit-for-purpose’ land mapping is a current valuable approach indicating that an efficient system and the underlying spatial framework of large-scale mapping can be designed for the purpose of managing current land issues within a specific region. Benefits relating to this approach relate to a complete and coherent land cadastre within a relatively short time at affordable costs but importantly the participatory processes with the concerned communities. Many Land parcels have been mapped land rights have been ascertained for communities. Hence, there is the need to gleam on such kind of sustainable mapping approach.
Lightning talks: Agriculture
Open data and agricultural start ups (Nako kofele martin alain, Expanding Horizon, Cameroon)
Africa’s future cannot be decided without the narrative of agriculture, youths and ICT being changed. integrating scientific methods to an age long agrarian practice that has mostly been traditionally carried out, is directly changing the outcome in terms of production. the making and putting of such skills and innovation at the disposal of young people of involved in agric start ups is capital in changing the out put when it comes to food puducton, food security and job creation. open data and mapping in the 21st century are the instruments needed to make evidence based decision, that will have long term impact and sucess for start ups. Important aspects of business development, such as market survey, feasibility, are all possible thanks to open data and mapping.
Accessing agricultural data in rural communities for Sustainable Livelihood (Eyongetta Njieassam, GYSSL, Cameroon)
Improving agricultural production needs access to agricultural data by rural farmers. rural farmers in this part of the globe have gone for decades with no credible data on new models for Sustainable agriculture. thishas limit the to traditional methods which has low yields and high production cost. Rural communities face a neglect when it come to data infrastructure. data being a blue print for optimum performance out put in our research activities needs to be given an open access to rural farmers in order to improve their yields and reduce the cost of agricultural production. this will there code meets with the SDG 1,2&3 of the UN by 2030 and help transform livelihood
Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya (Benard Kulohoma, University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Trypanocide non-susceptibility remains a huge challenge in the management of animal African trypanosomiasis. Paucity of data on the prevalence of multi-drug non-susceptible trypanosomes has greatly hindered optimal veterinary management practices. Our study provides proof of concept for the viability of using smart mobile phone Apps to remotely collect reliable large-scale information from smallholder farmers and veterinary health care givers in resource poor settings. These datasets can be reliably collated remotely, analysed, and the findings can inform policies that improve farming practices and economic wellbeing while restricting widespread multi-drug resistance. Moreover, this strategy can be used to monitor and manage other infectious diseases in other rural, resource poor settings.
Promenade interactive sur les chemins d’Openstreetmap/Take an interactive tour on Openstreetmpa Paths (Alex Duclaux, SIGE, Morrocco)
Découvrez comment Sige utilise OSM comme basemap dans son application carte interactive et enrichit la base de données pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur. / Discover how Sige uses OSM as a basemap in its interactive map application and updates the map for a better user experience.
How to plan a mappy and fun road trip (Enock Seth Nyamador, Stephen Mawutor Donkor)
How we traveled across Ghana. Mapping and captured 300GB street-level images and had fun all by ourselves.
PK Odame
Open Cities Accra will create a detailed and accurate map of selected areas in Accra, as well as build the capacity of stakeholders within government institutions. This will help government stakeholders to make data-driven decisions to improve the lives of local populations.
Darkwah Manu Samuel
Lightning talks: Health
Mapping Healthcare Facilities in Abuja, Nigeria (Ifeatu Enedah, Brains and Hammer, Nigeria)
The mapping and analysis of the prevalence of communicable disease and Healthcare facilities in Abuja, Nigeria using GIS. GIS allows personal health data to be examined spatially so that patterns can be discerned. The various data and information that will be provided as a result of mapping health facilities in this study will in no doubt help in transforming lives in, Abuja Nigeria.
Analyse spatiale de la morbidité et de la mortalité palustre sur l’aire de suivi démographique de Saponé(Burkina) (Nombré Apollinaire, ILRI, Burkina Faso)
Cette analyse de la morbidité/mortalité palustre vise à identifier des pôles de regroupement significatif des cas de paludisme et de décès.Le but étant de mettre à disposition des réservoirs aux études cliniques, pour mieux maîtriser les différents faciès d’adaptation de l’anophèle femelle.
Mapping for Community Resilience: A Case Study of Kyaka II Refugee Settlement (Ingrid Martha Kintu, Makarere University, Uganda)
Geomatics in support of the disease elimination process: The case of African Human Trypanosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire (Guy Pacome A., Bamoro C., Aboubacar O., Kouakou C., Debora K., Dr Kaba D., Fabrice C.(IPR/IRD), Dr Lingue K(PNETHA))
Contribution des données OSM pour la lutte contre le VIH sida et utilisation des données OSM dans la plate-forme OpenDCH (ABEDJE NESIT BÉRENGER , Development Gateway, Cote d ivoire)
Fighting FGM with maps (Crowd2Map, Laura Mugeha)
In a time of disruptive digital revolution in Africa, we must think inclusiveness and ensure urban, semi-urban, rural and even slum communities are carried along as resources and opportunities are abundant in these grassroots.
We need to embrace an Open data culture to spur innovation and connect communities through technology in other to harmonize resources domicile in them, mostly in its unrefined State. With support from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap and The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, we created the first open mapping community from one of Africa’s Largest slum on the Lagoon -Makoko currently mapping their community.
Code for Africa, through its Dominion land right project of which MapMakoko is a part of, injects data-driven evidence and analysis into the public discourse policy-setting across the continent.
Code for Africa, is a federation of indigenous civic tech labs in 9 countries: Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda, operating alongside a sister network of independent investigative newsrooms in 22 countries.
In many places with young OSM communities, quality analysis seems to be mainly done through tasking manager remote validators, with still very little local “Data gardening”. Why should we care about data quality? And how to do it practically and still have some fun? Quality control is crucial and highly necessary in about all mapping projects that intend to transform lives. If a well-intentioned project produces a very high amount of bad quality data, it can actually do more harm than good. First because the data can simply be unusable by the targeted users (for instance during emergency mapping in activations). Second because it might require much more time to correct it than it would have taken to trace it correctly in the first place. Third because it can also affect the reputation of the database and mappers.
But spending time on quality control/analysis and corrections isn’t only good for the data, it also helps mappers to develop their own skills. Crowdmapping is sometimes seen as something too easy and simple. This session intends to show you some ways in which you could deepen and broaden your skills. And therefore how mapping can change a little bit of your own life.
John Eromosele
Panel: Women Involvement In OpenStreetMap
This panel aims to present women participation and keys actions in Communities building around openstreetmap and to discuss about means and strategy to take in account or undertaketo showcase their great. Although they are very underrepresented in OSM World, Women are very engaged to build strong and experienced communities and production of data of quality but their engagement seems to be unknown to the world due to lots of factors related to social, culture and religion. This panel will also be an opportunity to share and learn experiences from each other so that evryone can keep working hard
Moderator: Kone Maimouna
Christian Kabongo Mbenga
ABIODOUN Adémola Frédéric
Microgrants are small grants of US$2,000–$7,000 provided to community-designed and led projects. These projects create and use map data to solve challenges affecting those living in the community, from seasonal flooding and wildfires to preventing gender-based violence and responding to disease outbreaks. Since the HOT Microgrants program started in 2017, gifts from individuals and corporate partners have provided over US$100,000 to 24 local OpenStreetMap communities around the world.